Achieve your financial goals and live the life you want!

We fully fund education and training leading to higher income jobs.

Achieve your financial goals and live the life you want!

We fully fund education and training leading to higher income jobs.

Our Services

At Capital IDEA Houston, we believe everyone deserves access to a greater future for themselves. This is why we fully fund education and training as well as provide guidance for adults who are unemployed or have lower-paying jobs and want a higher income.

Upon graduation, we connect you with employers seeking to hire highly skilled workers, allowing you to earn a higher income, career advancement, and an enjoyable lifestyle you deserve!

Get a College Degree

Earn certifications, up to an
Associates Degree, at Houston Community College.
Our College Degree Programs

Explore Career Pathways

For young adults ages 18-24, discover your future career goals
through assessments, mentorship, guidance, and planning sessions that
lead to training and/or employment.
Career My Way Program

Become Trained in a Skill

Looking to fast-track your future career? Develop skills in a new trade and earn certifications quickly.
Short-Term Training Program


Capital IDEA Houston has been serving the Greater Houston and Harris county area since 2010. We help individuals pursue their dreams of financial self-sufficiency, which leads Houston to greater economic stability.
Job Placement Rate
Increase in Wages
*Numbers reflected are from 2010 - 2022

Capital IDEA Houston removes barriers to ensure the successful completion of your training by offering a wide range of holistic wrap-around support such as case management, academic guidance, and peer support networks.

What our graduates have to say


  • “Capital IDEA Houston pretty much saved my life. [They] took a huge load off my back, and on top of that gave me a card for food, and other things that are very helpful and needed when your brain can’t think correctly to even put together a meal!"
    Goreti Okello
    Registered Nurse
    College Degree Program
    Associates Degree in Nursing, HCC Coleman
    CLASS OF 2021
  • "It’s not even that we don’t have the chance to do these careers, it’s just that in some instances, we don’t even know about them."
    Henry Franz
    Senior Deckhand
    Short-Term Training Program
    Certification in Maritime Logistics, San Jacinto College
    CLASS OF 2021
  • "People always think there is a catch. 'Will I really not have to pay it back?', 'They’re not going to sponsor my education', 'It’s too good to be true.' So, I’m always telling people, 'YES, this is what they do!' "
    Kerry Morales
    Clinical Nurse
    College Degree Program
    Associates Degree in Nursing, HCC Coleman
    CLASS OF 2020
Read More Success Stories Here

Want to Apply?

Don’t let financial barriers stand in the way of achieving a better life. There is another path for you - a thriving career you love - which can lead to savings for your first home purchase or child’s college fund, more time to spend with your family, and the enjoyable lifestyle you deserve.

Begin your application process by taking 3 minutes to fill out an interest form today!
Apply Now

How You Can Help

Houston has unlimited potential for growth and opportunity. Collaborate with Capital IDEA Houston TODAY and help connect Houstonian’s to a brighter future!

Stay Connected

To find out more about how Capital IDEA Houston’s programs and services work, join the CAPITALIZED Newsletter and get information on current education/training opportunities and participant success stories.
Subscription Form
Our mission is to invest in underemployed adults by funding educational pathways to attain thriving careers and financial self-sufficiency
2101 Crawford St #211,
Houston, TX 77002
Copyright © 2025 Capital IDEA Houston
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