Career My Way - Mentorship, Education, and Employment Training for Youth

For young adults ages 18-24, this program provides assessments, mentorship, guidance and planning sessions that lead to educational training and/or employment.

Our Career My Way program provides production focused incentives and helps young adults explore a variety of career options so they can decide what path is right for them. After the exploration phase of the program, students are paired with a Career Navigator to develop a Personalized Educational/Employment Pathway. The Career Navigator then assists each participant in pursuing and completing an educational training program or job search. Once completed, students work with career services until they are placed in a living-wage position.

Career My Way (Ages 18-24) Consists of Three Steps:

Step 1
Information Session & Onboarding

Step 2

Self-Discovery, Employability & Pathway Selection

Step 3

Education, Training, or Employment

Phase 1: Outreach & Onboarding

Engagement begins with participants attending one of our information sessions where they learn the details about the Career My Way program, ask questions, and learn about expectations for them. From there each young person is paired with a Career My Way Career Navigator, who helps them determine eligibility and understand the program, and with whom they begin building a trusting relationship that will guide them in successfully completing the program.

Phase 2: Self-Discovery, Employability & Pathway Selection

During this paid* 2-week program, participants learn about their personal strengths through in-depth assessments, explore high-demand careers, connect with mentors, participate in group coaching and employability workshops. Upon completion of this phase of the program, each participant meets with their Career Navigator to develop a personalized education and employment plan, attend educational training, or develop a direct employment plan based on interest and accessibility.

*In order to earn payment, participants must actively participate, complete all assignments, and deliver quality results within the given deadlines.

Phase 3: Education, Training, or Employment

Participants are then supported in completing the plan they have chosen and that represents the best option for them: post-secondary education, short-term vocational training, or immediate employment.

The Career My Way program utilizes human-centered design to empower young adults with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed. In addition to the supportive wraparound services inherent to the Capital IDEA Houston case management model, Career My Way also has features exclusively designed for young adults, including an expanded introduction to the job market and intense coaching throughout the process.

Ready to get started?

If you meet our minimum qualifications, you are eligible to apply for our programs. Successful applicants demonstrate a commitment to complete the program, getting employed, and willingness to give back to the community. Check out our list of minimum requirements here. Start working towards a more financially stable life today. Begin your application process by taking 3 minutes to fill out an interest form!
Submit an Interest Form
Our mission is to invest in underemployed adults by funding educational pathways to attain thriving careers and financial self-sufficiency
2101 Crawford St #211,
Houston, TX 77002
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