ichoose: Career My Way 2020 Is Coming

Date: May 31, 2020

Houston, TX:  Capital IDEA Houston today announced ichoose: Career My Way Cohort 4, a career exploration program designed to connect underemployed and unemployed youth aged 18-24 or not enrolled in college with post secondary education opportunities, employment, and short-term continuing education and job training.

For the past three years the Career My Way program has operated in-person, emphasizing self-discovery, personal development, and academic preparation while providing access to education, employment, or short-term job training. With social distancing measures in place due to COVID-19 this year’s ichoose: Career My Way Cohort will be a virtual experience for participants as all of Capital IDEA Houston’s services are now 100% available online.

“We’re aligning our service delivery plan to match those of our primary training institution, Houston Community College, and other local educational partners to ensure that we are making a continuous impact on affected communities.” says Michelle Paul, Executive Director at Capital IDEA Houston.  “We’ll continue to collaborate with BridgeYear, Power Up With Mahdi, Harris County Department of Education, Fast Forward Analytics, and Houston Community College through Bridge to College and Career Success (BCCS)- with technical assistance from JFF (Jobs For The Future)- to give our youth access to higher education, to identify their natural abilities and choose a career path that right for them, while providing the necessary support for them to succeed. “

Participants in this year’s ichoose: Career My Way Cohort 4 can look forward to:

  • Highly engaging, interactive, and socially enriching activities, group coaching and relationship building,
  • Virtual field trips to local college campuses and industries, and
  • Earning up to $500 in incentives while learning about their natural abilities, while simultaneously working toward a $1500 scholarship to go toward continuing education opportunities once the program is successfully completed.

ichoose: Career My Way Cohort 4 will begin in the fourth week of June 2020, and there is no cost for participants to sign up or attend.

 To register for ichoose: Career My Way Cohort 4, click here

To be added to the contact list email Career My Way Career Navigator Sharon Guillory at sguillory@capitalideahouston.org .

Our mission is to invest in underemployed adults by funding educational pathways to attain thriving careers and financial self-sufficiency
2101 Crawford St #211,
Houston, TX 77002
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